To: Everyone holding animosity toward Asian-Americans. Or treating Asians with scorn. Or asking if they’re “from China” because of the virus.
Color me pissed off!!
Are you going to tell me why you hold so much contempt against Asian-Americans right now? Why you find it okay to treat Asians differently than your white counterparts, or to refer to COVID as the “China virus” (that’s racist), or why hate crimes against Asian-Americans have risen 867% in New York city alone?
Seriously, to the guy who thinks it’s OK to shove elderly people to the ground in Chinatown…WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?
Take a second and say the name of the virus causing the pandemic. No really, say it out loud with me. Here’s a hint, it’s not “China virus” or “Wuhan virus”.
“CO-VID”. Only two syllables long. How many syllables in “Chi-na vir-us”? Four! Instead of using a two-syllable term to describe the pandemic, you find it necessary to consume twice as much oxygen and produce twice as much carbon dioxide just to emphasize the part of the world the virus came from.
Yes, that’s racist!!
You’re welcome to say anything you want and the U.S. Government is not going to come after you thanks to the Free Speech that you other people fought for. And I’m sure those same troops can count on your support, right? I’m not talking about some cheap bumper sticker that says “Support the Troops” or whatever…I’m sure your troops can totally count on you to push for reform and donate to causes making it easier for them to get professional help after coming home right? RIGHT!?
It’s idiotic to harass and assault normal civilians just because you disagree with the actions of some government halfway across the world. You know who else is doing the exact same you are? The people flying this flag:
But I guess that irony is lost on you, huh? You bunch of “calling-yourselves-the-party-of-Lincoln-while-raising-the-flag-of-the-Confederacy-that-he-fought-against” absolute hypocrites.
Get the fuck out of here with your racism.
Steven “fed-up-with-your-bullshit” Zawila