First, sign up below and you’ll get the 14-page Quietly Romantic How to Talk to Women guide that will show you how to:
Overcome the “awkward silence” and NEVER run out of things to say! Get my “SAIDS” framework for talking to women NATURALLY and STOP being awkward or unconfident around her FOREVER. (pg. 4)
Ever worry that you’re just not that interesting? Here’s how to become so fascinating that she’ll LOVE to learn more about you! Even if you THINK that you’re a boring person. (Hint: You’re not! She WANTS to hear what YOU have to say.) (pg. 6)
Get her to SECRETLY HOPE that you ask her out on a date! I was single for YEARS because I never learned this ONE THING. Miss this crucial step and she might FORGET you even exist! (pg. 8)
Don’t know what to say when talking to women? Let me show you! Even if you’ve never had a date before! Get over 20 scripts with EXACT WORDS you can use to approach her, to keep the conversation going, and then to get her number or ask her out. (pg. 11-12)
Finally! Learn to EFFORTLESSLY flirt with amazing women naturally, NO sleaze or pickup-artistry required EVER. Even if you have no idea what “flirting” means!! (pg. 9-10)
Then, browse through the sections below to see the very best of my dating advice. Or, check out the blog to see what I’ve written since the beginning of time.
Talking to women
Use these exact words to get your next date
An Introvert’s Guide to Talking to Women
How to flirt with women as an introvert
What are you supposed to talk to her about?
How to stop running out of things to say when talking to her
Where to meet women
How to meet women WITHOUT going to bars or clubs
Five awesome places to meet women
The best places to meet women and the exact words to talk to her
How to tell if she’s flirting or just being friendly
Being confident
I still get nervous all the time, too
How to become confidently outcome-independent around women
The ABC’s of being confident
What pickup gets wrong about being confident
Three ways I made myself more confident
How to text her – including scripts and examples
Lessons about dating from my two-year anniversary
Where to take her on a first date
What really happened when I followed the “Three Days” rule
Don’t leave the ball in her court
Living an honest life
How to make #StopAsianHate a reality
What I learned from my late sister’s battle with cancer
How to go high when others go low in today’s political climate
Friday Romantics
Overcoming your fear and emotions around women with Max Nachamkin